Monoprice Mini Pro 3D FDM Printer

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A low-fidelity 3D printer with user-friendly features. Reliable with 1.75 mm PLA filament, not ABS filament.
- Auto Bed Leveling with Live Z Adjustment
- Touch Screen
- Removable Magnetic Build Plate
- Build Area: 120 mm x 120 mm x 120 mm
- Resolution: 100-300 micron
- Print Speed: up to 100 mm/s
- Max Extrusion Temp: 100 mm/s
Hot Parts
Take care to avoid touching hot parts including heat blocks, extruder nozzle, extruded filament, and heated build plate.
Things to Avoid
- Do not use ABS material.
- Do not remove the insulating tape on the extruder nozzle.
- Wear gloves when operating or repairing to avoid entanglement.
Safety Checks
- Allow the printer extruder to cool before doing any maintenance (i.e. replacing filament)
Operational Checks
- Supervise the printer until the first couple of layers have printed.