Dremmel Versaflame Butane Torch

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The Dremel VersaFlame is a small butane torch designed to make your work around the house and job site easier. The VersaFlame comes with a 9-piece kit that gives you the power to tackle an array of applications. By simply switching tips, you can use our butane micro torch for wood burning, leather crafting, stencil cutting, cordless soldering, or hot-knife cutting of foam, plastics and rope.
Open flame
Things to Avoid
- pointing torch towards people, yourself, or flammable items
- heating the fuel tank
- leaving the fuel tank or torch in the sun
- leaving the torch unattended when lit
Safety Checks
- Have you removed any flammable items from your surroundings?
- Are you in a well lit and ventilated area?
Operational Checks
- Make sure the torch is not emitting or leaking fuel by listening to the torch.
- Return torch and fuel to the flammables cabinet.