Actuators: Lights, Motors, Speakers

Important Links
- NeoPixel Ring - 12 x 5050 RGB LED with Integrated Drivers PID: 1643
- NeoPixel Ring - 24 x 5050 RGB LED with Integrated Drivers PID: 1586
- Speaker - 3" Diameter - 4 Ohm 3 Watt PID: 1314
- Large Enclosed Piezo Element w/WiresLarge Enclosed Piezo Element w/Wires PID: 1739
- Laser Diode - 5mW 650nm Red PID: 1054
- Piezo BuzzerPiezo Buzzer - PS1240 PID: 160
Motors & Pumps
- Vibrating Mini Motor Disc PID: 1201
- Micro servo PID: 169
- Continuous Rotation Micro Servo - FS90R PID: 2442
- Adafruit DRV2605L Haptic Motor Controller PID: 2305
- Micro Servo - MG90D High Torque Metal Gear PID: 1143
- Rotating Door Lock DC Motor PID: 3881
- Adafruit DRV8833 DC/Stepper Motor Driver Breakout Board PID: 3297
- Peristaltic Liquid Pump with Silicone Tubing - 12V DC Power PID: 1150
- Dual H-Bridge Motor Driver for DC or Steppers - 600mA - L293D PID: 807
- Plastic Water Solenoid Valve - 12V - 1/2" Nominal PID: 997